It Seems that Fiona has a bit of a problem.
Someone bit her. I would guess it happned in the last week. I don't remember anything last week, when I weighed her last.
I felt the bump today when I picked her up to torment her. ;)
So, I have started treatment like we did for Lenny.
I found Antibiotics, and some metacam for the fact that I was squeezing stuff out of it. This one is still a little juicy - unlike Lenny when it was a big hard mass.
I will be calling Dr. G in the morning. Need to get the right amounts for meds. She is still a big girl. 1200 grams.
It figures.. I also need some meds for Winslow. The last doxy was really weird and I stopped giving it to him. The consistency was way off. I did some nose drops today and he is a bit better.
Have to get him again in the morning.
Ah the morning medicating again. ahhhhhhh now plus Hot compress on Fiona. She was really good for me today. I think she was happy that I found it.
good night and here to hoping the Spartans win!!!