Thursday, May 12, 2005


Been doing a bit of reading lately.
Tom was messing around online and found out - HURRAY - Jim Butcher put out his next book.
It is in hardcover at the moment. But I don't care.
We have 1-6 in paperback and they were worth it.

I was just informed that the newest Laura Hamilton was a total waste. Much worse than anything else. I think she lost the ability to tell a story, she just wants to tell you who or what the main character is doing at the moment. (Take that how you wish.)

Of course, we turned off the heat because it was 80 on Tuesday. Now it is 50 and we are all freezing at work. I swear we can not win.

I have pictures to post. We finally went rock hunting at Tom's Parents house. He wasn't kidding about the many rocks just sitting there waiting for you to walk by and get them. We re-did the whole front of the house - where the plantings are - with rocks. I know - get the pictures up.

1 comment:

Her Royal Highness, Queen of Drama said...

I've should read and reply...