Sunday, May 15, 2005


Oh, so sick.
What did I do.....? Friday- I was a walking zombie at work, Saturday- I barely moved from my chair and today does not look much better. Although now when I blow my nose there does seem to be stuff coming out.
I caught some horrible head cold. It started out as a soar throat on Wednesday or Thursday. I can't feel my throat anymore for the rest of the problems I am having.
Good thing I went clothes shopping on Wednesday.
Now I have three outfits and don't know which one to wear. oh well.
Sorry to have missed stuff on Saturday.
Must go to work tomorrow. ewww


Naarah said...

Ahhh, the nasty head cold has finally reached your side of town. So sorry to hear it caught you. It's ugly. Try a warm compress on your head (like a washcloth that has been run under hot water) -- it works wonderfully! Feel better soon! See you in a week!

Naarah said...

Mel's getting over this same thing -- she says it only lasts four days. Rest up and feel better! *hugs*