Monday, September 06, 2004

Labor Day

I can hardly believe that it is already Labor Day. The sad part is that we haven't been to Ren Fest yet. We may try to do that today.
I need to get my syllabus done, or at least in major working order this morning before Tom gets up.

I started reading the teachers Edition of my English 10 book yesterday and found out that I have a LOT of extra stuff to help the students (and myself) survive the first year of teaching this.
Friday was fun. We worked all day and then 3 of us went to a tiny bar on 8 Mile road and M-10. Then the girl who sent us there showed up. Her brother owns the bar. LOL We hung out for a while and then went to the football game where we were slaughtered by Gabriel Richard in Riverview. It's "Ree-shard" for those who haven't been around the Catholics ever. I swear they got to pull out their 3rd and 4th string guys to hit us with. It was sad. Oh yeah, we are the Ravens.

Saturday, Tom and I were bums. A bit of EverQuest and then to the movies. Ah yes, Movie Review time.

Alien vs. Predator - Ok, so the story is transparent, and the acting not that great. I hate to tell you that I think they had it right with Arnold the first time. Anyway - it was fun. The Android guy from the other Alien movies was in this movie - that was cool, Tom had to explain it to me. WAYLAN is the company and he is the owner. This movie takes place this year. The other movies are in the future and the androids look like their patron saint owner. LOL The special effects were pretty good. The momma Alien was very cool.

Without a paddle - Now here is a funny movie. You are probably thinking - oh no another American Pie- NOPE. There are a couple of low brow jokes. But the story is very good, and the acting is actually decent. I happen to adore Seth Green, so that made it worth it. Other actors are certainly recognizable. Thank goodness they left out Aston Cutcher. I would boycott it.... Anyway - we were laughing out loud, and the whole audience seemed to enjoy themselves. It takes place in the woods and on a river - if you didn't guess.

I would say - wait for DVD for the AVP movie and try to get out to see "Paddle".

Sunday, Tom's parents came over and we got a little bit done here. We did one of the biggest trips to Costco we have done in a LONG time. Got a new faucet for the kitchen. The old one drips and isn't very good. So, I think we may try to install that today...... Wish us luck. LOL

I have to get some school work done, while tom Sleeps.

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