Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A year in Review 3

More, yes - always more pictures.

There are just too many to put up. I'm trying to be selective??
Here is the riverboat that we rode on at the Wisconsin Dells. I want to thank who ever told me to go to the Dells while on our way to visit Rich Grant and family. It might have been the travel agent at AAA, but whoever. Tom and I had a wonderful time in the Dells. This boat tour was nice, they had music and lot of nice people. We also got off and saw some really cool rock and water formations. I have picturs of those elsewhere.

Here is my crazy husband on a sculpture thing on the Mississippi river up in the Twin Cities. The really funny thing is that this is RIGHT next to the street, so people were driving by while we were taking the picture. This is a little park next to where Richard works, so we met him there after work one day and took in the sites and ATE big at the rib shack thing. WOW

The next day Tom and I went to the Minnisota zoo. We had a great time. They were giving Camel rides, but I passed on that. I thought this was one of the better pictures of the prairie dogs. I think there is a picture of the lion earlier in the year.

Of course we went to the Rennissanse Festival this year. We took Carrie again and Paul Thoma and Michele went also. We dressed Paul and Michele up for the trip. My mother went 2 x's this year. Once with Mike and Ashley and then again with Aunt Shirley. They went to the Feast and said it is totally worth all the money that you spend on it. I think she said to schedule yourself for the later one, so that you can see a few shows and then go to the dinner. We had a nice day, with a little brew and a little heat and everyone had a good time.

During all this fun we were having; Poor Paul Lautenschlager was being dragged across the state. It seems I talked him into coming to work at my school. Which if you didn't know is no longer my school.... But the good news is that Paul is still working and keeping out of the public eye. We found him a nice apartment near my house and have had lovely dinners and fun since September.

One more posting and I think that's it....

1 comment:

Naarah said...

crazy husband? what husband isn't crazy?!? ;-)