Sunday, July 18, 2004


Well, we haven't made a full decision yet.
I am so pleased to see how many of you looked at the blog and responded to it.  Thanks.
Tom is fairly sure that we just couldn't get everything done in time to make it reasonable to go.  Basically I want to tell them to give us a couple weeks to see if we could come up with a job for Tom.  Our biggest concern right now would be to get the basement redone and fixed to rent or sell the house to go.
Ah yes, a decent idea shared with us.  Rent the house till next June, then if we decide to stay, sell the house; or if we decide to come back to Michigan, we'd still have our home.  Know anyone who wants to rent a house in Wixom..... lol
I think it would be great to go.  Tom likes the idea of the weather, and yes he does like the heat.  I may have more trouble adjusting to that.  Although, I could probably ride my bike a few more months out of the year there. :~)
Thinking of you all.

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